
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Make time now instead of wishing for the time when it is too late...

What is your top priority? Most people undoubtedly say family. But is that just because it sounds like the right thing to say? What do we do to make family our top priority? To me, it isn't enough to just say you love them and would do anything for them.

Today, as I sit at a COLchat conference, I have been called to "share my story", "connect", "reflect", and "inspire".  I now recognize that my story is unique because everyone makes their own story based on the situations they create.

This conference has given me further verification in the reason I blog. After the birth of our third child, I found myself wrapped up in trying to juggle my career as a high school English teacher and still maintaining what I wanted to be my top priority: my family.  We all get wrapped up in day-to-day activities, keeping up with social media, and watching the shows on our DVR. After I made dinner, did dishes, checked papers, and did lesson plans, it left very little time when I got home from work to show my children that they are important. It wasn't enough for me to just read them a bedtime story and send them to bed.

We have all heard someone say, "I wish I would have done more with my kids when they were younger." I realized I did not want to be that person.

So instead of "maintaining" family life, I took action. This blog has made me accountable for being given the best job I could ever ask for...being a mom. The activity walls we have created together, crafts we've made, and recipes we have baked have given us more "moments" than I ever thought possible.

I hope this blog inspires others to make time for the people and things that are important. We are all busy and "never have enough time in the day". We all have 24 hours each day. It is up to us where our priorities fit in that 24 hours.

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