
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Football Player Rice Krispie Treats

David has snack day tomorrow, so he was very interested in bringing a treat with a Super Bowl theme in mind. We saw pictures of these treats on Pinterest ( and decided to make our own for his classmates.

I made a double batch of rice krispies. (6 Tbsp butter, 2 bags of mini marshmallows, and 12 cups of rice krispies)

I filled a sheet cake pan with about 2/3 of the mixture. I put the remaining mixture in a smaller pan. I cut the large pan into 25 rectangles.

Then we dipped the bottom of each rectangle in melted dark blue chocolate discs. I used a spoon to cover the bottom half of each treat with the chocolate. We used white frosting to stick a vanilla wafer to the top half. I used an edible food writing pen to draw a face on the wafer. Then we used white frosting to write the numbers of some of the Seahawks players.

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