When I asked the boys what craft they wanted to do today, they instantly said, "Duck Dynasty crafts!"
So, we opened up a picture of the Quack Pack and did the best we could to create a craft.
We started with paper plates and glued on eyes to four paper plates. We were going to dye cotton balls for the beards, but that process took too long. So, we made some puffy paint to use instead. Puffy paint is an equal mixture of Elmer's glue and shaving cream. I just added a bunch of food coloring to get as close to brown as we could.

For Willie, we found flag scrapbook paper to use for his bandana.
Jace's hat is just a piece of white computer paper painted black and glued on.
Phil's bandana is just white paper painted with the same colors as Si's hat.

The boys painted on the beards and moustaches.
We added a little shaving cream to Phil and Si's beards to resemble the gray color.
These are awesome!