Here is an incredibly easy wreath to make for the Halloween season that only cost $10-15. I started by buying two yards of tulle from Joann Fabrics, a Styrofoam ring, styrofoam eyes, a piece of white foam, and a scrap piece of fabric.
You can also buy tulle by the spool, but when that isn't on sale, it is cheaper to buy it by the yard. I folded it over a few times until the strips were about 16 inches long. Then I cut the strips about 2 inches wide.
I tied the strips around the wreath using the square knot method (right side over left, pull, then left side over right side, pull)
I tied all of the strips around the Styrofoam ring. Then I put a toothpick in each of the Styrofoam balls. I stuck the balls in the wreath with the toothpick. Using black paint, I made little dots on the balls to represent eyes.
I cut some teeth out of the foam piece and hot glued it to the wreath.
To make a bow tie, I cut a piece of fabric 7 X 4 inches. I folded it over (hot dog style) and hot glued it together.

Then fold it over (hamburger style) and hot glue it together.

Then I took a rubber band to hold it together in the center.
Finally I cut another small strip of fabric (about 4X2 inches) and hot glued it around the center. Cut off any excess fabric.
Hot glue the bow tie to the wreath.
Here is the final product. To hang it on the wall, I hot glued a strip of white tulle to the top of the wreath and hung it on a nail.
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