Sunday, August 25, 2019

Aladdin Movie/Craft Night

The kids found a craft book for the movie Aladdin at the District Library this weekend, so we decided to have a movie night with that theme. 
Rachel created Aladdin out of some leaves that she cut up and glued together. She made a head and hat out of paper and glued that on. Adding a binder clip and paper clip created the mechanism to let Aladdin go down the zipline. 

We also used a fruit snack box to create a marketplace escape. A bendy straw attached to a paper straw acts as the turning handle. We tied a piece of yarn on the straw and tied a paperclip to the other end of the yarn. Aladdin can be attached to the paperclip and lifted up the escape and dropped over the back of the "building". 
We used a piece of foam to act as a magic carpet. We put a magnet on the back of the foam. Using a long piece of cardboard, we moved a magnet under the cardboard so it looked like the carpet was moving on its own. 

We also did a lava jar with water, oil, food coloring, and alka seltzer tablets. We filled the jar 3/4 of the way with water, filled the rest of the jar with oil, added food coloring and dropped in alka seltzer tablets. We turned off the lights and shined a flashlight through. (The book said to just add salt instead of alka seltzer, but it didn't give us the reaction we were looking for. Salt and alka seltzer was cool.) 
The last craft we did was make diamond in the rough suncatchers. We cut a diamond outline out of cardstock and placed it on a piece of contact paper. The kids filled in the diamond with blue tissue paper. We added another diamond outline on top of that and covered it with another piece of contact paper. We trimmed the excess contact paper and taped them to the window. 
We made some pretzel sticks to represent the bread Aladdin steals, made naan bread, ate apples and caramels, and were going to make magic carpets out of graham crackers, frosting, and sprinkles, but we got full. 

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