Monday, September 2, 2024

Cow Sugar Cookies


I was having a meeting on National Sugar Cookie Day and National Cow Day, so I made these to take to the meeting. 
I used my regular sugar cookie dough that doesn't require chilling:

For the frosting I mixed 3 egg whites, 2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2 tsp cream of tarter, and 1 tsp vanilla. Mix this together well with a stand mixer. If it is still runny, add another 1/2 up powdered sugar. Mix until soft peaks form. 
For the cows, I took out about 1/2 cup and made black frosting, 1/4 cup for pink, and another 1/4 for white. 
With the rest of the frosting, I added 1 Tbsp water to thin it a little. That is what I piped around the outside of the cookie. After that dried a little bit, I filled in the rest of the cookie with the thinned frosting. I let that dry completely. I put the thicker frosting in a piping bag and drew on the face. 

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